Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Se Yourself With Another Hair Color

New Roman Antiphonale

than 30 years after the Liturgia Horarum it is finally possible, the Vespers of Sundays and holidays after the current liturgy Gregorian also sing. End of 2009 is in fact the first volume of the new Roman Antiphonale appeared in Solesmes, more precisely, Volume II with the Vespers of Sundays and holidays.

me is the band before now. I'd best describe briefly the result of initial screening, without claim to be able to make a competent assessment.

The format (14 x 21 cm) corresponds to the Graduale Romanum , the cover is solid and is made of red leather, the 786th of pages With about 3 cm is the band not excessively thick. It contains two bookmark ribbons (red and yellow) which is just sufficient, if the constant texts by heart knows, one or two tapes would be more but better. is

The title is preceded by
Liturgia HORARUM iuxta Ritums ROMANUM
Antiphonal ROMANUM

the work of a decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship, will be included in the approved amendments to the Ordo cantus officii of 1983.
The pressure is two-tone (red and black), where actual sections are shown in black italics. The italics used has some a bit restless and is trimmed not appear to be optimal / nucleated. Included is
all that is needed for the (1 and 2) Vespers of Sundays and high festivals and festivals of the General Calendar. Likewise, the Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday are included. For religious holidays, festivals and apostles are found Communia. For certain inherent high strength as patron saints of the band is not sufficient.

The content starts with the proprium de tempore with a circumference of 445 pages.
for Sundays and public holidays of Christmas and Easter circle can be found there, the hymn (always written out with all the verses, and where a hymn occurs over several days, will work with references), the antiphons, indicating the underlying biblical passage and the psalm tone (ending after the Antiphon notated: E uouae) and to review the Psalms, with musical accents are highlighted typographically, the short reading, the Responsorium (here is also underway, with references), the Magnificat antiphon, the prayers and the prayer.
For the period of Lent are classified according to reading age, given the Magnificat antiphons each Sunday, followed by the prayers of every Sunday.
Then follow the high feasts of the Lord, the fall in the time of Lent.

The Ordinary contains 48 pages. It contains, for the 4-week cycle hymn, antiphons, psalms, short reading, and responsory prayers.

The Proper de Sanctis consists of 197 pages. At the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica is only a Magnificat antiphon for the 2nd Vesper and Oration indicated and referred to the Commune. When the Apostle festivals is partly linked to the Commune, otherwise, all included parties own texts. This includes the festivals of the patrons of Europe (hll. Cyril and Methodius, Sts. St. Catherine of Siena. St. Benedict. Birgitta. St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross). For an All Souls' Oration is given, for the rest refer to the Officium defunctorum. Strangely, even the voluntary commemoration of St. Joseph the Worker on 1 May contain.

The Communia (34 pages) are limited to the Commune and the Commune Apostolorum dedicationis Ecclesiae.

Here are defunctorum the officium (10 pages) and Toni communes (29 pages). The latter include the opening formula ("Deus, in adiutorium ...«), through two different tunes (one for Sundays and festivals, and one for high-strength), the different psalm tones; fully noted first half of the verse of the Magnificat in different psalm tones (remarkably, is here unlike in the Liturgia Horarum the Vulgate and not used the Nova Vulgate version), "Regula concordantium melodia cum textu," for me as a musical amateur very instructive; a tone for the reading singing (in the readings are missing even though characters on point, must be made on where the melodic phrases), a tone for the Responsorium breve (with me it is not clear whether the notated only as an example of the exact Versabfolge or as an alternative to more complex melodies on the spot to understand is ), each a tone for the intercessions, the Our Father, the prayer for the dismissal (by a cleric, a bishop, a lay person); 7 on occasions different tones of Benedicamus Domino, which can be used optionally. An appendix contains

multiply the Magnificat with typographical emphasis for singing in various psalm tones, even after the Magnificat Nova Vulgata (No typographical emphasis, here are revealed in the title problems with the Latin grammar: "secundum Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio"), the hymns Pange lingua gloriosi and Vexilla regis "secundum veterem editions Vaticanam" (equivalent to the Pange lingua GL 543) and finally the parent species for Text indexes.

The Canticles Phil 2:6-11 (1st Sunday Vespers), 1.12-20 Col, Eph 1.3 to 10, from 2.21 to 24 Ap 1 Pt 4:11; 5,9.10.12, Ap 11 0.17 to 18; 12.10 b-12a and 15.3-4 Ap like a psalm to be sung, as 1 Tim 3.16 (being here the second half of the antiphon repeated after each verse, and in the Liturgia Horarum the antiphon is another), the canticle Ap 19,1-2.5-7 (2nd Sunday Vespers) is written out in full, the verses are sung to a simple melody psalmtonähnliche.

a systematic comparison with the Liturgia Horarum I have not yet made, but it certainly seems to be some discrepancies.

This review appeared in zurerst THIS FORUM , and has been published here with permission of the author.

A recommended source for the German-speaking countries is the HARTKE SHIPMENT .

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can You Take Augmentin With Nyquil

Thanks, Benedict XVI.

On the fifth anniversary of his election, it is time to give thanks to God for our Holy Father. Although the lake is a little rough now, it leads Benedict XVI. the ship of the church but with a steady hand and with a clear view into the future. May the Lord grant

us, his church, the grace, the pope nor to give many years!

Where Do Virgans Bleed From

Nice video, nice event ...

As a church musician in German lands will always be something green with envy when you look at what other countries already possible, while still enjoying the shells spirit of the Council ...

course, the Internet-mediated impressions are only individual event, not allow conclusions on the situation in the area. But remarkably, the events of the Church Music Association of America (CMAA) in each case.

gratifying that we can share through such beautiful videos and the internet public that!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Unexplained Pain In Thumb

From Choral to the priesthood

The moving testimony of a young Indian man and religious seminarians publish KATHOLISCHES.INFO a few days ago:
arise from Brahman house fascinated the young Hindu [Gaurav Shroff, note] the beauty of church music with which he arrived at the St. Xavier School in Mumbai in touch. On 15 August, the Feast of the Assumption on which is in India and the independence of the country thought he felt during the Holy Mass, which he calls "the near certainty of God was present. The Gregorian chant rose in my mind and let me create a wonder of the glory of the saints. " It was a rather logical result was that it led the aesthetic beauty to that of the Eucharistic beauty says Gaurav.

Thus began the 18-year-old from the upper caste, classical music, studied the private study of church history, first "talk to" on everything that had "inspired great works for the glory of God the great musicians and composers to her and what led her, "her art in the service of the liturgy challenge".

found on this search, the young man then his true calling. In 2006 he became a novice in the Paulista order, one American community. He currently lives in the seminary of the Diocese of Atlanta, and - "God willing" - received 2013 ordination. has

In fact, the Encounter with the Gregorian chant repeatedly shown as a rich field of vocation: I know many priests, but also religious and church musicians who have found through contact with the chorale as a profession.

My former Gregorianikdozent, who came from MĂĽnsterland, recalled fond memories of the fairs of his childhood, where a Benedictine monk in the chancel "with wide sweeping motions and waving Habit" led the congregation in hymn singing. When I took over

himself at age 15 for the first time in my home church the organ service, I had the pleasure of the weekday shows two retired clergy with experience: the one priest of my home diocese, and despite its more than ninety years of life with remarkable agility, the other a displaced after the war, priest of the diocese of Warmia, it is also do not read during the week to preach eloquent and faithful. Two it was obvious that a priest celebrated Mass every day. Both wanted a Gregorian Ordinary regularly. So I followed as best I could at that time, at the organ, while the respective celebrant powerful voice to sing the songs.

Never again have I experienced such intense and "tight" working day fairs. It pains me to see today, as more and more weekday shows are abolished (despite a sufficient number of priests on site), the few believers must contact the Liturgy of the Word in a circle around the altar, there obviously feel uncomfortable - and more bad than good by whining "New Spiritual Songs". The church attendance is steadily declining, a celebratory mood comes to no more, will take place on church built on a group experience.

Even a friend who is not socialized church testified to me his astonishment the other day about "this nonsense". Why, he asked, not familiar with your church to what it has always done? I had embarrassed to admit that one of the few questions that I know of no answer. And that it is one of the few points on which our church I do not even understand.

The collapse of the worship life is no longer overlooked. Let the great Church music thrilled large audiences in concert, while the Sunday morning maltreat with recorder groups and young bands have to play at a level where they would be as a school band elsewhere booed mercilessly.

The faithful withdraw resigned and fled into the fairs in the surrounding area.

Nevertheless, the leaders never tire of rave about the "new springtime" that has brought the "spirit of the Council" ...

that no appeal is possible in this environment training more is noted, apparently no one. Not even all prayer is not to priestly vocations. Where we do not prepare the ground, can not sow the Lord.