Friday, December 24, 2010

Shemale Georgia Abu Dhabi

Makes up the door!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Miosotis Vs. Milena Velba

O Emmanuel O rex gentium

settle the last of the O antiphons again in the hymn:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Testicular Brown Lump

Today is the O-Antiphon from Blackfriars, Oxford. Sung by the young Dominic's brothers in the study:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Triumph America Wheels Spokes

O oriens

The O-antiphon of today's tags from Belo Horizonte:

Monday, December 20, 2010

church crisis? Church crisis!

In the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising has a "Dialogue Commission were marked, and this is confirmed once again that religious bodies publish whenever decisions, just when you thought it could not be worse.

Here are some quotes taken from the homepage of the Munich church radios without comment. There are things that are not even better if you would say something about it ...

The 126 members of the Futures Forum in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx recommendations for contemporary pastoral care are presented. The proposals were drawn up by twelve working groups. They range from an attractive Liturgy to the sexual mores, greater involvement of women in the church, or better training for volunteers.
" We are in the world arrived and accept what people think and expect from the church," said another participant.
The archbishop also announced that it would hold throughout the diocese at the regional level talks. "What does the Lord in this hour of us? Discussion forums are the first point."

Weeding Or Weeds Bible Verses

O Clavis David O radix Jesse

The O-Antiphon of today comes in Osnabrück lettering: a Compositions by Peter Witte sung by the choir "Corona Vocalis, directed by Michael Schmoll:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Are The Creators Of Poptropica Australian

The O-antiphon of today's tags Vianini Giovanni, Milan

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mini Cooper Surf Rack

If the conservative reformer suddenly appear

Roland Breitenbach, well-known priest from Schweinfurt, informed us blessed with one of his literary excellence:
If the church
makes business as usual,
it comes to that point,
where they already
was before yesterday.
How right the man, you see, when a quote from Pope Benedict XVI. next is:
[The Church] is also young in the sense that their faith as it were, from the fresh source of God himself comes from so that is where it's really New and Renewing there. This is not a stale fare that we have for 2000 years and is heated again and again, but God himself is the source of all youth and all life.

And if faith is a gift that comes from him as it were, the fresh water that is given to us again and again with the life we can and we speak as a force in the paths may feed the world - then Church just a rejuvenating force.

There is a church father who has seen the church and saw this strange, that it is over not years older, but younger and younger because more and more goes to meet the Lord, that is more and more toward the spring from which youth comes from the novelty, refreshment, and the power of life.
It is tragic when the stale slogans of yesterday's modernity seem suddenly out of fashion today. A telling example of why the church should beware of pandering to the Zeitgeist, like the devil in front of holy water. Or, as the Munich Archbishop Cardinal Reinhard Marx once put it:
who marries the Zeitgeist is, tomorrow Widower. Pärt

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Friday, December 17, 2010

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The O antiphons ...

Here's a nice article on the New Liturgical Movement: CLICK !

are of course appreciated the O antiphons on this blog in the next few days in different ways. By the way, every morning at exactly 9:00 clock.

hope you enjoy them!

Katarzyna Stępień Gliwice

Cardinal Bartolucci to sacred music

Since I opened this blog, I was in the embarrassing situation, the On "Domenico Bartolucci" to orbit. This long-standing head of the Sistine Chapel is currently estimated in conservative circles and among traditionalists much because he - in his own words - never after the Second Vatican Council renewed celebrated Mass and out of its authorized rejection of the measurement design under John Paul II made no secret of ( "If the theater is over, call me ..."). But he was by the Holy See with great ingratitude and contrary to the promise of lifelong appointment almost forced to retire.

the other hand, one must look objectively the performance of the choir of the Sistine Chapel, as demonstrated by ear witnesses and photographs from that time. The quality of the Vatican's Music is not underground, first under John Paul II, truly underground, become. The problem was obvious for some time. And if a man of 80 years (when he was sent into retirement in 1997) purely physical, nor was able to direct the choir well, I would like from a rich experience with the services of some estimates, but it is tragically getting on in years colleagues but some doubt.

Sometimes it takes just a more or less subtle hint that it would be time to stop - before it is unmistakable that it is not easy ...

My subjective feelings towards Bartolucci are therefore quite ambivalent. I appreciate his interviews and his clear statements on church music, in particular very well to the theological underpinnings of spiritual music that is not art for its own sake. But the nigh, especially in traditionalist circles euphoric adulation of his life's work but I can not join without reservation.

However, I make no secret of my joy, that our Holy Father Benedict XVI. has created the veteran choral director with over 90 years still a cardinal. The former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made after the deposition Bartoluccis no secret that he considered the dismissal to be wrong.

Man this appointment may well be a clear signal to the Pope desired "reform the reform" , Regarded as a renewed and clear rejection of the liturgical course of the last papacy, having already the Zeremoniar his late predecessor, Archbishop Piero Marini, has been pushed onto a quite insignificant Curia position.

May the restoration, or rather, Renaissance, progress of the Catholic Litugie brave!

But now a REPORT ON ZENIT.ORG , launched today to release this little article. An interesting interview with Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci, from which I quote here the following sections:
- Do you think church music can once again become what it once was?

Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci: It will take time. are the masters of the old times, it no longer, because it is no longer necessary that they exist. I do hope so. Benedict XVI has a penchant for Gregorian chant and polyphony, and will introduce the use of Latin again. He understands that without the Latin, the repertoire of the past would be destined to disappear in the archive. It is necessary to return to a liturgy, the music, the taste for beauty and the true art is sacred space.

- What do you think about the singing of the congregation in the liturgical celebrations?

Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci: Attention, please do not generalize. I am not against the people's voice, has been criticized as me. Even before the Council, I wrote popular songs for the liturgy in Italian. They were very common in the parishes. There are contexts where a "Schola Cantorum" or a choir is required to make real art. Consider, for example, requires the repertoire of Gregorian chant or the great polyphonic repertoire, the true artist, so it he sounds like he should be. In these cases, the people involved in all of its rights in the recording and listening, but it's the singer who put their professionalism and competence in the service of others. Unfortunately, many thought in these years of development, that means taking part to "do something"

this, I allow myself to point out two of my own text.
lack of style as a key principle and
? MAY THE CHOIR SING THE SANCTUS , above all considering the idea of "participatio actuosa"

Milena Velba & Nadine Jansen -pregnant

O sapientia

The O-Antiphon to the present day from the Abbey Niederaltaich?.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Totoy Madriaga Gown For Rent

Veni, veni Emmanuel!

Wonderfully sung by the Cathedral Choir Paderborn:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Parens Of The Caribbean Bladmuziek Saxofoon

Interesting lectures in Basel

on an already tarnished, but in 2011 still waiting on talks with interesting lectures in Switzerland, I can point with it:

second March 2011, 18 clock:
neumes: the origins of music from their visual representation
Speaker: Michael Walter

6th April 2011, 18 clock:
mathematics and physics as a basic science for the visualization of music in medieval view
Speaker: Max Haas

27th April 2011, 18 clock:
The Visible of the Invisible: Temporality in its notational representation in Late Medieval Music
Speaker: Dorit Tanay

18th May 2011, 18 clock
Medieval notes, musical, visual, verbal
Refentin: Mary Carruthers

All other details under EIKONES.CH .


Orchestral Size And Layout

Register to the advent of Nicole and mail Advent Greetings!

carrying out in the advent of Nicole and mail Advent Greetings!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pokemon For Ipod Online

Antiphonale New Roman - Added

I hereby release, without long introductory words, furnish a number of additions to THIS ARTICLE .

The deviations of the Antiphonale Romanum 2009 (AR) von der Liturgia Horarum 1985 (LH):

Erster Teil: Der Vierwochenpsalter

1. Vesper vom Sonntag der 1. Woche
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 140):
Dirigatur Domine, oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo.
AR: Domine, clamavi ad te, exaudi me.
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 141):
Tu es refugium meum, Domine, portio mea in terra viventium.
AR: Portio mea, Domine, sit in terra viventium.

2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 1. Woche
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 109):
Virgam potentiæ suæ emittet Dominus ex Sion, et regnabit in æternum, alleluia.
AR: Virgam virtutis tuæ emittet Dominus ex Sion: dominare in medio inimicorum tuorum.
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 113 A):
A facie Domini mota est terra, alleluia.
AR: Ex Ægypto eduxisti nos, Domine.
Canticum (vgl. Ap 19,1–2.5–7):
LH hat die Antiphon
Regnavit Dominus Deus noster omnipotens, alleluia . Diese entfällt in AR. In LH ist der Aufbau der einzelnen Verse Alleluia – Versteil 1 – ( Alleluia ) – Versteil 2 – Alleluia ( alleluia ) with the statement that the numbers in parentheses Alleluia can be omitted from pure recitation, in contrast, AR verse section 1 - Alleluia - verse section 2 - Alleluia, alleluia . In AR are different in LH and the Gloria Patri and Sicut erat built accordingly.

first Vespers of Sunday the 2nd Weeks
first Antiphon (Ps 118 to now):
Lucerna verbum tuum Pedibus masters, Domine, alleluia.
AR: Illumina oculos meos , Domine.
second Antiphon (Ps to 15):
Adimplebis me laetitia cum vultu tuo, Domine, alleluia.
AR: Conserva me, Domine, quoniam in te speravi.
3. Antiphon (zu Phil 2,6–11):
In nomine Iesu omne genu flectatur in cælo et in terra, alleluia.
AR: Dedit illi Dominus claritatem æternam, et nomine æterno hereditavit illum.

2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 2. Woche
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 109):
Sacerdos in æternum Christus Dominus secundum ordinem Melchisedech, alleluia.
AR: Iuravit Dominus et non pænitebit eum: Tu es sacerdos in æternum.
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 113 B):
Deus noster in cælo; omnia quæcumque voluit, fecit, alleluia.
AR: Nos qui vivimus, benedicimus Domino.
canticle (cf. Ap 19,1-2.5-7):
The antiphon
Laudem dicite Deo omnes servi eius, magni et pusilli, alleluia deleted in AR. For the rest see 1 Week.

first Vespers of Sunday the 3rd Weeks
first Antiphon (Ps to 112):
ortu solis usque ad occasum, laudabile nomen Domini.
AR: Sit nomen Domini benedictum in saecula.

second Vespers of Sunday the 3rd Weeks
first Antiphon (Ps to 109):
Dixit Dominus Domino meo: Sede a dextris meis, alleluia.
AR: Dixit Dominus Domino meo: Sede a dextris meis.
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 110):
Memoriam fecit mirabilium suorum miserator Dominus, alleluia.
AR: Fidelia omnia mandata eius, confirmata in sæculum sæculi.
Siehe 1. Woche.

1. Vesper vom Sonntag der 4. Woche
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 121):
Rogate quae ad pacem sunt Ierusalem.
AR: Fiat pax in virtute tua.
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 129):
A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, speravit anima mea in Domino.
AR: Sustinuit anima mea in verbo Domini, speravit anima mea alleluia.
3. Antiphon:
Siehe 2. Woche.

2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 4. Woche
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 109):
In splendoribus sanctis, ante luciferum genui te, alleluia.
AR: Ex utero, ante luciferum genui te.
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 111):
Beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur.
AR: In mandatis eius cupit nimis.
Siehe 2. Woche.

Im Gegensatz zu den Antiphonen gibt es bei den Hymnen und Responsorien keinerlei Abweichungen.

Zweiter Teil: Das Proprium de Tempore
2.1 Die Adventszeit

1. Vesper vom 1. Adventssonntag
3. Antiphon (zu Phil 2,6–11):
Veniet Dominus in potestate magna, et videbit eum omnis caro.
AR: Veniet Dominus in potestate magna, et videbit omnis caro salutare Dei.
LH hat für jedes Lesejahr eine eigene Antiphon. Die dort für das Jahr B vorgelegte Antiphon
Ecce nomen Domini venit de longinquo, et claritas eius replet orbem terrarum steht in AR für alle Lesejahre.

2. Vesper vom 1. Adventssonntag
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 109):
Iucundare, filia Sion, et exsulta satis, filia Ierusalem, alleluia.
AR: Iucundare, filia Sion, exsulta satis, filia Ierusalem, alleluia.
Canticum (vgl. Ap 19,1–2.5–7):
LH und AR haben dieselbe Antiphon. Zur Ausführung des Canticums siehe den ersten Teil (2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 1. Woche).
Jahr B:
Ne timeas, Maria, invenisti enim gratiam apud Dominum: ecce concipies et paries Filium, alleluia.
AR: Ne timeas, Maria, invenisti gratiam apud Dominum: ecce concipies et paries Filium, alleluia.
year C:
LH: It
Beata, Maria, quae credidisti Domino, perficientur in te, quae dicta sunt tibi a Domino, alleluia.
AR: It Beata, Maria, quae credidisti: perficientur in te, quae dicta sunt tibi a Domino, alleluia.

first Vespers of 2 Advent Sunday
Magnificat Antiphon:
LH for each vintage year has its own antiphon. There for the year presented Antiphon C
Veni, Domine, visitare nos in pace, ut coram te corde perfecto lætemur do AR reading for all years.

second Vespers of 2 Advent Sunday
canticle (cf. Ap 19,1-2.5-7):
LH und AR haben dieselbe Antiphon. Zur Ausführung des Canticums siehe den ersten Teil (2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 1. Woche).
Jahr A:
Ego vos baptizo in aqua in pænitentiam, dixit Ioannes. Qui post me venturus est, fortior me est: ipse vos baptizabit in Spiritu Sancto et igni.
AR: Veniet fortior me post me, cuius non sum dignus solvere corrigiam calceamentorum eius.
Jahr B:
Ioannes prædicabat dicens: Venit fortior me post me, cuius non sum dignus procumbens solvere corrigiam calceamentorum.
AR: wie in Jahr A

1. Vesper vom 3. Adventssonntag
2. Antiphon (zu Ps 115):
Ego Dominus prope feci iustitiam meam; non elongabitur, et salus mea non morabitur.
AR: Exspectetur sicut pluvia eloquium Domini; et descendet super nos sicut ros Deus noster.
LH hat für jedes Lesejahr eine eigene Antiphon. Die dort für das Jahr A vorgelegte Antiphon
Ante me non est formatus Deus, et post me non erit: quia mihi curvabitur omne genu, et confitebitur omnis lingua steht in AR für alle Lesejahre.

2. Vesper vom 3. Adventssonntag
Canticum (vgl. Ap 19,1–2.5–7):
LH und AR haben dieselbe Antiphon. Zur Ausführung des Canticums siehe den ersten Teil (2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 1. Woche).
Jahr A:
Tu es qui venturus es, an alium exspectamus? Dicite Ioanni quæ vidistis: Ad lumen redeunt cæci, mortui resurgent, pauperes evangelizantur, alleluia.
AR: Ioannes autem, cum audisset in vinculis opera Christi, mittens duos de discipulis suis, ait illi: Tu es qui venturus es, an alium exspectamus?
Jahr B:
Ego baptizo in aqua. Medius vestrum stat, quem vos non scitis, qui post me venturus est.
AR: Miserunt Iudæi sacerdotes et levitas ad Ioannem, ut interrogarent eum: Tu quis es? Et confessus est et non negavit; et confessus est: Quia non sum ego Christus.
Jahr C:
Respondebit Ioannes dicens: Venit fortior me, cuius ventilabrum in manu eius ad purgandam aream suam et ad congregandum triticum in horreum suum.
AR: Gaudete in Domino semper: modestia vestra nota sit hominibus. Dominus prope est. Nihil solliciti sitis, sed in omni oratione petitiones vestræ innotescant apud Deum.

1. Vesper vom 4. Adventssonntag
keine Abweichungen

2. Vesper vom 4. Adventssonntag
1. Antiphon (zu Ps 109):
Intuemini quam gloriosus sit iste, qui ingreditur ad salvandos populos.
AR: Intuemini quantum sit gloriosus iste, qui ingreditur ad salvandos populos.
Canticum (vgl. Ap 19,1–2.5–7):
LH hat die Antiphon
Multiplicabitur eius imperium, et pacis non erit finis, alleluia . In AR entfällt das alleluia der Antiphon. Zur Ausführung des Canticums siehe den ersten Teil (2. Vesper vom Sonntag der 1. Woche).

Magnificat-Antiphonen für den 17.–23. Dezember (O-Antiphonen)
17. Dezember:
O Sapientia, quæ ex ore Altissimi prodisti, attingens a fine usque ad finem, fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia: veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiæ.
AR: O Sapientia, quæ ex ore Altissimi prodisti, attingens a fine usque ad finem fortiter, suaviter disponensque omnia: veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiæ.
22. Dezember:
O Rex gentium et desideratus earum, lapisque angularis, qui facis utraque unum: veni et salva hominem, quem de limo formasti.
AR: O Rex gentium et desideratus earum, lapisque angularis, qui facis utraque unum: veni, salva hominem, quem de limo formasti.
Ein herzliches "Vergelt's Gott!" für die Mühe, das Buch so akribisch zu untersuchen - und nochmals Dank für die Erlaubnis, these findings here to be able to publish in the blog!

Am Happy With You New Babys Arrival

pop nuns, Supplement

An addendum to my pop-nun thoughts of yesterday, today reported KATH.NET that the new chant CD is already among the top 15 in the UK charts.

And even though the community of Benedictine nuns in the media circus is completely denied.

Like I said: you must just let the hymn speak for themselves. And trust that he is still understood today!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brazilian Wax Attractive?

News from Sinfonia Sacra

I am a little late, I still would like to point out that the new release of the booklet "Sinfonia Sacra - Society for the Promotion of Catholic church music "is now online, and although HERE PDF format

How Long Do Colitis Flare Ups Last

pop nuns. Pop-nuns?

At a INTERESTING ARTICLE on the new CD by the nuns of Notre.. Lady of the Annunciation, I came yesterday to the website of the Swiss "Berner Zeitung", when I was on Google search. The article itself is noted not much. It is the usual conglomerate journalistic punditry, the audience just Verquassung and circulation-promoting cliché recovery. How else to explain that the Benedictine Although characterized as a "cloistered" be, only to marvel at their highly practical activity?
Mère Abbesse and sisters living under the strict rules of St. Benedict in the 6th century. What they eat, they produce themselves what is to repair broken it with his own hand. There is a mechanic in the Community, an electrician, a dental assistant. They work in their orchards, vineyards and lavender fields. They cook jam, cut from self-woven silk vestments. And they pray and sing in honor of God - six times a day, once at night. Now they have been chosen - from a record company, which intends to write a success story.
I confess to a number of activities listed here were I not able to. And I'm not "out of this world" under the Benedictines. But that should not even go.

The article consists in an aside a criticism that I think is quite worthy of consideration, albeit for perhaps different reasons:
your [the sisters, note] album "Voices - Chant from Avignon" gathered 20 Gregorian chants, to the sounds of the monastery bells of Le Barroux. No instruments are heard there, and no papal plush carpet of sound, just the pure angelic voices of the nuns. Whether the plans have?

The trouble is obvious: How to market a religious community that has renounced the vile world and wants to know nothing of the medial fuss? Of course, you can the album as tranquilizers for stress and noise-ridden contemporaries praise, as does the record company, gained as Gregorian chant to chill out so to speak, from a "secret world of peace and tranquility." And of course you can the nuns, a camera through the bars of rich, as did the record company, intending to load another YouTube hit.

From PR potential of the Cistercians with their busy father Charles, who posed for tabloid magazines and "Wetten, dass?" Gottschalk honored, the nuns of Le Barroux but far away.
I will now turn to the CD not be praiseworthy of the Holy Cross here on. Nor, in my eyes as to some borderline marketing the same through the abbey and its monks. After all, Holy Cross good feed, and to a flourishing monastery in wider public attention sanctify, to this end, perhaps means that you can not otherwise better used. In my opinion, mind you. But there are exceptions to the rules. But it is

really so bad that the French nuns sing a CD, and then deny the commercial exploitation of Benedictine with serenity? Hardly.

I mean, there's reason to thank: First

for this new opportunity for the spread of Gregorian chant. For gaining new interest groups. Therefore, even the Holy Mother Church once again draw attention to remind you that it Gregorian chant still there (yes, here is the author of these lines a strong hint installed with the fence. Just as a hint to those that it should have overlooked anyway. ..).

On the other monks of the Holy Cross, which have shown that such a project may well accompany a contemplative monastery open-minded and creative.

But the French Benedictine, which show that it need not do so. That they continue to go their own way. And that the Gregorian chant his grant of the liturgy the thing you bought statement and be trusted: easy to speak for themselves. Without accessories. Unaccompanied. Or media marketing.

Naked, pure word. Word of God. Wrapped in sound. Thank you also for this, even if it should not be as commercially successful ...

Source: Universal

Is It Ok To Take Adderall And Provigil Together

urgent-looking Ikea Wippbanane

Again a cry for help because of a Wippbanane.Dringend Ikea, because I have until Saturday, the life brauche.Wie Funny People want my godson to Geburtstag.Wenn it is necessarily a reference to yellow, otherwise I would have one in the Tigerlook.Gelb but the best thing ever would be for them, is also in Blau.Mädels would be really great if one of you sign up you already würde.Knutsche

Friday, December 10, 2010

Invitaion Poets In Tamil

1100 years history of music

The Abbey Library in St. Gallen guards among their four hundred early medieval manuscripts, a considerable number of music manuscripts. What is known in the art can Discover now the general public: In the newly opened annual exhibition of works from 1100 years ago can be admired music history.

particular for the Study of Gregorian Chant is the library has a good address. Even today, two centuries after the abolition of the Benedictine monastery of St. Gall, the tradition of Gregorian chant is not maintained at the cathedral.


What's The Difference Between Jordan Retros

Friday Filler 88

first Generally the snow does not bother me .
second I have almost all Christmas gifts this year.
third In this weather I need a biscuit every day .
4th The beautiful golden chocolate coins I love that reminds me of Christmas in my childhood.
5th My car has frozen slices of inner .
6th Life goes by too fast but much !
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the sewing machine , tomorrow I cinema with my Great (Harry Potter) planned and Sunday I would like here in town with my loved ones for the Christmas market and our youngest (4) when singing in the children's choir listen!

Vegeta And Bulma Uncensored Episode

My first calendar book cover

My son is now the last time before the tuition Weihnachtsferien.Und because Julia is in so much trouble and he has already improved greatly, he can not, of course losziehen.Ich without a Christmas present you have a calendar I benäht.Da know that Julia has always busy schedule and next year high school makes (yes get a few more dates to it), I think they use him well kann.Dazu it is a bit Nashi . So I think he's good and close to me, no matter how smooth a case and have now chosen for so few who are looking forward this year on something ;-) may

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can You Paint Sprinkler Heads

A sign of life and a reindeer

For me it's damn quiet is geworden.Das among other things, that I have a job habe.Bin totally happy and my day is, unfortunately, has only 24 Stunden.Außerdem it to my dad very poor health and because the ideas revolve around something completely different than around the blog and have so.Ich mitgemacht.Die to the elf with a love Nähwichteln Ramoth I have this lovely Tilda-rocking reindeer dear geschickt.Ich it already and small Anneliese rides on it around like crazy * gg *. My contribution was a deer Notizblocktogo.Das and a deer is easy to see from an accident, but it Ramoth, in answer to the image.