One man `
of others suffering
we have this year a lot before ... clear
, renovate, replace various rooms .....
including "must" admit I
my GIANT Nähreich!
one hand, I am VERY
to my new (much smaller) own room,
other hand, I honestly do not even know how to
ALL put in it ....
so I've started it a night to sort
first my stash
(where REAL RESOURCES !!!!)
are here
recovered ...
many other materials, tapes, cuts, accessories
waiting patiently `s Sort ....
's enough for the first time today!!
love warm greetings

we have this year a lot before ... clear
, renovate, replace various rooms .....
including "must" admit I
my GIANT Nähreich!
one hand, I am VERY
to my new (much smaller) own room,
other hand, I honestly do not even know how to
ALL put in it ....
so I've started it a night to sort
first my stash
(where REAL RESOURCES !!!!)
are here
recovered ...
many other materials, tapes, cuts, accessories
waiting patiently `s Sort ....
's enough for the first time today!!
love warm greetings
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