Flowers belong behind bars!!
is ~***~
such pictures there be future cheeky
NOT everything in the fairy
is ~***~

such pictures there be future cheeky
NOT everything in the fairy

part thanks to this plush gentlemen,
from all flowering plants
now behind bars!
the pompom-cat said, namely,
the flowers not only look good,
the taste also excellent .....
then it is a veeery bad indigestion
it & then a REALLY bad,
he could probably not guess!!
thanks to our vet
and the self-boiled stomach-friendly food is the sweetness
already on the mend!

love warm greetings
and fits nicely on your skin on nose !!!!!!
PS ~ remember, today you can only the ABC Embroidery at a low introductory price !
P.SS. ~ Think of the Verlsoung - later in my blog and use your chance: o)))
P.SS. ~ Think of the Verlsoung - later in my blog and use your chance: o)))
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